
Chat with Us

Chat with Us - Speak, Listen, Communicate

14 weeks - September 16th to December 16th

This program is designed to make students talk using different topics of conversation and activating a good range of vocabulary and language structures.  

Main Goals:

  • eliminate recurrent mistakes (mainly when using verb tenses)
  • acquire new words and idiomatic expressions
  • improve listening comprehension and pronunciation
  • gain self-confidence and have fun
  • talk, talk, talk

Features: online sessions (MSTeams), 5/6 students + 1 trainer, ELTE virtual portal for personalized additional training

Length: 14 weeks - 21hs - 1,5h session/ week
Time: choose an option
  • morning: 8:00-9:30am
  • afternoon: 6:30-8:00pm

Tuition: 295€ (includes all class material and access to ELTE microlearning courses)
Join us, don't miss out! If interested send an email to or ask information through our Whatsapp number (in the website)

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